Charities like yours can benefit greatly from being part of the altruistic ecosystem of Help2Help. Charities can reach a large number of potential donors, increase public awareness of their work, and receive support from businesses: directly (through donations from businesses) and indirectly (when businesses reward donors, incentivizing donations).
As a charity, you can easily create a landing page of your organization where you can present your story and work to donors and businesses interested in supporting your cause. Your story can easily be shared across social media platforms by the members of our ecosystem.
Participating in Help2Help is free. However, all charities need to be approved by our team, which includes interviewing the decision makers of the charity. Charities must be legally registered, be operating for at least three years, their work should contribute to human development and society.
Help2Help facilitates the participation of businesses in the altruistic ecosystem. Businesses can select one or many charities they wish to support. The support can be a direct donation to a charity, a matching promise of a donation accumulated in a time period, or rewards to donors.
Rewards to donors are in the form of coupons. Generally, these coupons are valid for the product or service your business provide. These coupons are a way to reward and incentivize altruism to a charity of your choice.